Skin Testing Visit

  • You will be asked to hold all antihistamines (all cold and allergy medications, Tylenol PM, Excedrin PM, Advil PM, Phenergan) 2 weeks before the testing.
  • You can expect your visit to last at least one hour.
  • You will be asked to change in to a gown from the waist up.
  • Your allergy testing will be performed mainly on your back (sometimes on the arm) with plastic skin testing devices.
  • After your testing is applied, you will have to wait 15 minutes before your testing will be read.  Bring a book, magazine or electronic device (we have free wifi) to occupy your time and distract from itching, which may occur.
  • Depending on your results, Adults only may receive additional testing on their forearms using small intradermal needles.  This part of the test is not performed on children unless they are being tested for medication or stinging insect allergy.
  • If you are tested for foods, you may be asked to bring food labels and/or ingredient lists for comprehensive testing.
  • You can be expected to have EpiPen training if Dr. Clore feels you need to carry one in case of an emergency.
  • You will be given the results of your testing that day and you will received information on avoidance and environmental control.
  • Based on your results, Dr. Clore may recommend allergy injections.  If so, you will be given specific information.